Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Quotables from Sammie Part 3

So, Sammie is in the stage were she will say "mommy, I am going to buy you that for your birthday.  Anyway, we are watching a commercial for KABOOM and she says  "Mommy, I am going to buy you that."  I reply, "Oh, thank you baby." She replies...

"So you can clean my bathroom!"

Sammie's friends Blake and Bella were coming over and Caleb just had a diaper on.  I was trying to get him dressed, but he was all over the place and Sammie says..

"Caleb!  My friends don't want to see you naked!"

Same day as above, Sammie goes up to Blake and says...

"Blake, will you be my prince?"

Sammie came in looking really sad with a can of Sprite.  I asked her what was wrong and she said she wanted to drink the sprite.  I asked her  if she asked her Daddy and she said...

"Yes.  Daddy say no so I ask you so you will say yes."

Here's how a convo at dinner went...

David (Talking to me): Look at me... I think Caleb has your nose.
Sammie: No,  Mommy!!  You still have your nose!!

The other night, Samantha fell out of of bed and started screaming for me.  I went in there and as I was  holding her, I asked if she was ok.  Her reply...

"Noooo, I not ok!!! I FELL out of my beeeeeed!"

We were at my mom's house and my nephew was there.  I can't remember what happened but I yelled, "Benjamin Rey Bicondova!" Sammie decided to repeat me...

"Benjamin Rey Buy-a-soda!"

Again, we are at my parent's house and Sammie and  Mikayla (her cousin) are not getting along.  Ben (another cousin) tells me that Mikayla threw a shoe at Sammie.  Mikayla tells me he is lying, so I ask her what I should do  to him for lying to me.  As she is telling me that I should beat him up, Sammie is in the background yelling,

"Make him crrrryyyy Mama!!  Make him crrrrryyyy!!"

Lol, apparently, even when they are  mad at each other, they will still gang up on cousin Bennie.

And there you have it...more laughs courtesy of my Sammie girl.  :)

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