Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quotables from Sammie Part 4

And once again for your entertainment...Sammie's sayings

David had spent all day one day painting Caleb's room,which meant I spent practically all day taking care of the kids myself.  Sammie went and turned up David's ipod for him and came out and told me.  I told her thank you and she said...

"Not for you Mommy, for Daddy.  You no do nothing...Daddy is painting!"

I felt so appreciated. ;)

Every time I leave Sammie somewhere,  I make  sure  to tell her to be a good listener and to make good choices.  So, I dropped her and Caleb off at my parents so I could work the other day.  As I am saying good bye, Samantha says...

"Make good choices at work Mommy!"

Sammie was laying on the couch with me and looks over and gives me a hug.  She says,

"Mommy, I love you so much.  Can I keep you forever??"

Samantha had scratches on her leg the other day and I asked her what happened.  Her response was,

"I went  to the lion festival last night and the lion scratched me!"  What?!?!

She is so funny...I am never bored when I am around my
Sammie girl

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