Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bubba Bear is 1!

Man oh man, it is crazy how fast time goes by when you are an adult, and even crazier how much faster it goes by when you become a parent.  Caleb is 1 year old today!  It is so hard to believe that I have been blessed with this little man for a whole year now. 

I don't even know where to begin talking about Caleb.  He has the sweetest soul.  He has the biggest smile when he wakes up in the morning and it is there almost all day long.  He loves to give random hugs and random kisses, and David and I are very happy to receive them.  His favorite person in the right now is his big sister.  He follows her all over the house, laughs at all her silly actions and singing, and tries to wake her up when she's sleeping. 

Caleb is running all over the house and eating us out of house and home. :)  He is saying some words now; his favorites are "more" and "up."  As in, "Give me more food." and "Pick me up!"  He loves balls and slides, music, dancing and taking baths.  Caleb is a people person and a serious flirt! 

It took 8 months to get pregnant with Caleb.  And it was  such a hard 8 months for me.  In those 8 months, so many people we knew were getting pregnant...people who weren't trying, people who didn't want a baby, people who had babies younger than Samantha.  It was hard for me to see why and quite honestly, I  was jealous.  I prayed with David and I prayed alone, and finally in December 2009, I found out I was pregnant.  Nine months later, when he was born, it all made sense.  Caleb was the perfect addition to our family.  Had we gotten pregnant even a day before, we would not have Caleb, we'd have a  totally different child and I could not imagine a more perfect baby boy than my Caleb. 

So, to you Caleb:

I love you so much!  Everyday you amaze me.  Everyday you make me smile.  Everyday I thank God for you.  I am beyond blessed to be your mommy! 
Happy 1st birthday Caleb Miguel Fry!

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