Friday, August 12, 2011

Flashback Friday - Sammie girl's first birthday

With Caleb's first birthday party tomorrow, I thought I would take a look back at Samantha's 1st birthday....

On her actual birthday, we spent a quiet evening at home, just the three of us.  David and I sang to our sweet baby girl   and then  she got her cake.  She had no clue what was going on. :)

Her Papa did stop by though to say Happy Birthday

We had her  birthday party a couple days later.  It was sooo cold.  I remember, it was hot the day before and the day after, but on the day of her party, it was freezing!  The weather in March is so weird!

Lots of her friends came to celebrate with her.  This was including her first love, Blake and his mommy and daddy. 

Of course her cousins Bennie Rey and Mikayla were there.

And Sammie's littlest  cousin, Trent made an appearance too

Look at that sweet face.   Just like now, she amazed me in so many ways.    At one, she was just like she is now, except she didn't talk nearly as much. :)  She was sweet, funny, smart, full of energy....pretty much, the most incredible little girl you'd ever meet.

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