Friday, August 26, 2011

Flashback Friday - Snow Day

I am so ready for the cold to get here.  And for that reason, I am gonna go back to a wonderful snow day back in January 2010. 

 After about a week of cold and rain, this is what Oak Glen looked like.

So pretty

It was picture perfect

Sammie's first time in the snow

Daddy, Sammie, and "Hello Kitty" (as Sammie called it)

Family Picture...Caleb was there too.  I was about 2 months pregnant

Oh, I can not wait for this time of year again.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quotables from Sammie Part 4

And once again for your entertainment...Sammie's sayings

David had spent all day one day painting Caleb's room,which meant I spent practically all day taking care of the kids myself.  Sammie went and turned up David's ipod for him and came out and told me.  I told her thank you and she said...

"Not for you Mommy, for Daddy.  You no do nothing...Daddy is painting!"

I felt so appreciated. ;)

Every time I leave Sammie somewhere,  I make  sure  to tell her to be a good listener and to make good choices.  So, I dropped her and Caleb off at my parents so I could work the other day.  As I am saying good bye, Samantha says...

"Make good choices at work Mommy!"

Sammie was laying on the couch with me and looks over and gives me a hug.  She says,

"Mommy, I love you so much.  Can I keep you forever??"

Samantha had scratches on her leg the other day and I asked her what happened.  Her response was,

"I went  to the lion festival last night and the lion scratched me!"  What?!?!

She is so funny...I am never bored when I am around my
Sammie girl

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Caleb's 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated Caleb's first birthday on Saturday with a bunch of friends and family.  Parties are always so much work, so I must say, Thank God for grandparents!  David's parents came by Friday night to drop off all the tables and chairs they were loaning us.  And they brought us ice on Saturday.  It seems like nothing, but just this little gesture of kindness saved us so much time!  My dad rented a water slide for all the kids and they had a great time.  And my mom, of course, cooked the food for the party.  Sadly, she had to work, so she couldn't be at the party, but her cooking is very much appreciated.  And she was able to see Caleb today, on his actual birthday, so it worked out. 

So anyway, the party was a lot of fun.  We had lots of stuff for the kids to do...water slide, chalk, water table, swings.  It looked like they had a good time.

 And of course, most importantly, Caleb had a great time. 
He woke up from  his  nap a little grumpy

But eventually cheered up

We had lots of guests,
Some more memorable than others...

David and I decided we would make Caleb's birthday cake.  I thought of decorating it to make it look beachy.  And I was so excited when I saw the Phineas and Ferb figures.  I made the c ake, but I left the decorating to David.

Caleb had no clue what was going on...

He did like the singing though

 And Sammie did a great job singing to him

All in all, it was a great day.  Thanks to all who came!
David and  I are so blessed to have such a beautiful little boy! He brings a smile to our face everyday and we fall in love with him more and more everyday.

Bubba Bear is 1!

Man oh man, it is crazy how fast time goes by when you are an adult, and even crazier how much faster it goes by when you become a parent.  Caleb is 1 year old today!  It is so hard to believe that I have been blessed with this little man for a whole year now. 

I don't even know where to begin talking about Caleb.  He has the sweetest soul.  He has the biggest smile when he wakes up in the morning and it is there almost all day long.  He loves to give random hugs and random kisses, and David and I are very happy to receive them.  His favorite person in the right now is his big sister.  He follows her all over the house, laughs at all her silly actions and singing, and tries to wake her up when she's sleeping. 

Caleb is running all over the house and eating us out of house and home. :)  He is saying some words now; his favorites are "more" and "up."  As in, "Give me more food." and "Pick me up!"  He loves balls and slides, music, dancing and taking baths.  Caleb is a people person and a serious flirt! 

It took 8 months to get pregnant with Caleb.  And it was  such a hard 8 months for me.  In those 8 months, so many people we knew were getting pregnant...people who weren't trying, people who didn't want a baby, people who had babies younger than Samantha.  It was hard for me to see why and quite honestly, I  was jealous.  I prayed with David and I prayed alone, and finally in December 2009, I found out I was pregnant.  Nine months later, when he was born, it all made sense.  Caleb was the perfect addition to our family.  Had we gotten pregnant even a day before, we would not have Caleb, we'd have a  totally different child and I could not imagine a more perfect baby boy than my Caleb. 

So, to you Caleb:

I love you so much!  Everyday you amaze me.  Everyday you make me smile.  Everyday I thank God for you.  I am beyond blessed to be your mommy! 
Happy 1st birthday Caleb Miguel Fry!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Flashback Friday - Sammie girl's first birthday

With Caleb's first birthday party tomorrow, I thought I would take a look back at Samantha's 1st birthday....

On her actual birthday, we spent a quiet evening at home, just the three of us.  David and I sang to our sweet baby girl   and then  she got her cake.  She had no clue what was going on. :)

Her Papa did stop by though to say Happy Birthday

We had her  birthday party a couple days later.  It was sooo cold.  I remember, it was hot the day before and the day after, but on the day of her party, it was freezing!  The weather in March is so weird!

Lots of her friends came to celebrate with her.  This was including her first love, Blake and his mommy and daddy. 

Of course her cousins Bennie Rey and Mikayla were there.

And Sammie's littlest  cousin, Trent made an appearance too

Look at that sweet face.   Just like now, she amazed me in so many ways.    At one, she was just like she is now, except she didn't talk nearly as much. :)  She was sweet, funny, smart, full of energy....pretty much, the most incredible little girl you'd ever meet.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Memory of the Week!

Okay, so, this probably will not be a weekly thing, but every now  and then, Samantha comes up with some good, or maybe just surprising memories. 

We do not go to Chick-fil-a often at all.  In fact, the last time I took Samantha was way before  Caleb was born.  It was for a  playdate with my mom's group, but I coud not tell you exactly when it was.  I just know it was a while ago.  We were definitely still living in Redlands.

Anyway, the other day,  we were going to Party City, and we passed by the Chick-Fil-A.  Sammie yells out, "Hey, I go there last night  (everything that is not today is last night) with my friends.  Remember, I eat and then I play.  I like the slide." 

How?  How does she remember this stuff??  Maybe it's because we never take her into restaurants, because she's such a handful, so she remembers the special days. :)  Who knows, but it is quite amazing.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Flashback Friday - The day Caleb was born

I took Caleb to take his 1 year old pictures today, so I thought it'd be fun to take a look back at his very first pictures.

 Here's one of the first  pictures I took with my baby boy...

My little chubby chub...

Sammie meeting her brother for the first time...

 Caleb and Daddy...

My little handsome  looked so much like Sammie did in this picture...

What a wonderful day that was.  And what a blessing this sweet boy has been in our lives this past year.  He is so wonderful and amazes  me everyday.  I cannot believe this 8lbs 10oz, sweet baby boy is now a 20 lb, walking, talking, laughing one year old!