Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a busy Easter celebration this year.  Well, first David's parents celebrate Passover, so on Monday, we went to their house for a Passover dinner.  It was nice, although very hectic with a 3 year old and 8 month old.  For the most part though, the kids did great.

On Thursday, Sammie and Caleb's playgroup had a Easter egg hunt at the park.  Caleb was just getting over a cold and it was pretty cold there, so he was not too happy, but Samantha had a good time. 

On Saturday, we had yet another egg hunt, with cousins, Trent and Carter.  It was fun too.  We played on the playground, ate lunch, looked for eggs, decorated cookies and fed the ducks. 

They were trying to roll down a little incline

2 Davids and a Caleb

Me with my favorite girl

The babies were having loads of fun.

He LOVED the swing

On Easter Sunday, we went to Church and Samantha did an Easter performance with the other kids in the kids church.  We were sooo proud of her!  She did AMAZING!

Then when we got home, my parents, Pam and Mikayla, and Dennis came over.  My mom brought food of course, and David BBQed.  The girls hunted for eggs and played all day.  We had to hide the eggs twice and then I think they hid them themselves a few times.  Caleb just sat back and watched it all.

Sammie got her watering can she wanted

 Easter love

 They just can't take a normal picture

This was definitely the busiest Easter we've had.  It is so fun watching how in to it Samantha is  now. I tried to talk to her about what  Easter is all about, but I must say, explaining the ressurection to a 3 year old is not easy.  We'll try again next year!  This year, I just let the kids enjoy their time with family and friends.

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