For those who know Sammie, you know she is a talker. She was saying her first few words around 10 or 11 months and talking in two to three word sentences by 18 months. Now that she is three, the things that come out of her mouth some times are hilarious! Well, far before she turned 3, she was coming up with funny stuff. I don't want to forget some of them, so I thought I would write them down. It'll be fun looking back later and telling her "Yup, you really said that!"
Here's one from when she was almost 2..
Sam: I want boobies. I no have boobies.
Me: What? You want boobies?
Sam: Yeah, daddy going to buy me some.
And here's a couple recent ones from the grocery store..
Sam: Mommy, I want a balloon. (They give kids balloons at Stater Brothers)
Me: Not now babe
Sam: Moooommmy....Daddy bring me to the store and HE get me one.
(Not to be outdone by Daddy, I went and got her one.:) )
Sam (Pointing down the alcohol aisle): HEY! Daddy take me there everyday!!!
Let me make this clear...her daddy DOES NOT take her to get alcohol everyday...maybe once has he ever taken her down the alcohol aisle
And now some that just melt my heart...
"Mommy, I love you like a popsicle!" If you know how much Sammie loves popsicles, you know this is a major compliment!
"Mommy, thank you for taking Caleb out of your belly." This was a couple weeks after Caleb was born
"Daddy's my best pal!"
And some that make me realize how smart and witty she is..
"You're stuuuuu.....I say stuuuupendous, I not say stupid!"
"Mommy, Shut......I say Shut the door, Mommy, I no say bad word."
It's so hard not to laugh when she says these!
"Mommy, thank you soooo much for checking my cookie to see if there are peanuts! Cuz mommy, peanuts make me itchy. Thank you sooo much!" - I am so glad she knows not to eat peanuts and glad she's grateful that I check. :)
"Mommy, did you go down the wrong path?!" This was when I got lost going to a playdate..I don't know how she knew...maybe because I turned around like 4 times. :)
These are just a few of Sammie's quotes. She comes up with new stuff everyday. It is amazing to me what comes out of my little girl's mouth. Where she comes up with this stuff, I'll never know...
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