I think I will start with where our family is now in life...
David and I have now known eachother for over 10 years. We have been together 8 and married almost 5 years. If you were to have asked me 10 years ago if I thought I would be married to David now, I would have said No! But, I am soooo glad he did not give up the first 5 times I turned him down for a date. :) He obviously knew something I didn't know back then. And now, on our good days and our bad, I feel so blessed to be his wife.
Samantha is about a week and a half shy of being 3 years old. It is so hard to believe my baby isn't a baby anymore...I mean, she could start school now! And so, what can I say about Sammie girl?! She is a ball full of energy from the moment she wakes up until the minute she falls asleep! She loves all things princess, make up and jewelry, but you try to comb her hair or put a dress on her, and she will scream her head off. Well, dresses are getting better, but brushing her hair turns into war at home. Samantha loves singing and dancing and her favorite is Taylor Swift...it is ridiculously cute watching her dance and sing! And that is when she wants her dresses on....you gotta wear a dress when dancing! I could go on and on about how wonderful she is, but I won't...I'll save some for later. :)
Here is a picture of our beauty
And Caleb...6 1/2 months old and just the perfect fit to our family. We were hoping to have our second baby a little early, but God had other plans. He had us wait and then gave us the perfect baby boy. He is so happy (most of the time) and so easy going. One of those babies who wakes up and just starts playing...no need for mommy or daddy right away. He is getting really good at sitting up on his own and even starting to crawl...I am getting ready for that fun stage. His smile is adorable and his laugh is contagious! And of course, he absolutely loves his big sister. She can make him laugh like no one else! I am so excited to watch them grow up together!
And here is a picture of our handsome boy

And so there you have it, our wonderful family! I can't wait to see where life takes us. And if all goes well, I will be keeping this updated, so we can look back and remember where we started..
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