Monday, March 21, 2011

Our second born

When I first became a mommy, I had a calender where I could put down all of Samatha's firsts in.  Every milestone was recorded. And now with Caleb, well, maybe it's lack of time, lack of energy, or lack of motivation, but I have not been so good.  So here is where I will record these before I forget them...

At 3 1/2 weeks, Caleb rolled from his belly to his back 3 or 4  times, then he stopped
3 1/2 months, Caleb rolled from his back to his belly and by 4 months was rolling both ways
4 months, Caleb finally laughed..and of course the first person to make him laugh was Sammie.  The second was Daddy and finally a month later, Mommy got him to laugh
5 months and 3 weeks, he started saying "babababa"
A couple days shy of 6 months, he was sitting independently for more than 30 seconds.
6 1/2 months, Caleb was crawling, he also recognized his name and starting looking at you when you said it.
At 7 months, Caleb learned how to go from the crawling position to sitting. 
And now, at a little older than 7 months, Caleb is almost creeping (crawling on his hands and knees).  He is also imitating raspberries, and vocalizing the Ba, Da, and Ga sounds.  He's also beginning to look for Samantha when you ask him where she is.

He is growing and learning so fast.  It's hard to  believe he is more than half a year old.  What a joy he has been in our life. I'm looking forward to watching him grow and meet even more milestones in his life.  And I am so blessed to be able to stay home (Well, except for the whole 6 hours/week of work I do), and watch him grow from a baby to a little boy.

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