It was a year ago, Labor Day, when "the incident" occurred. I think it might have been the most horrible moment in my mommy life thus far...
Sammie cut her wrist open when a snow globe she was trying to get fell off of her dresser and came crashing down. I remember that I was in my room with Caleb (he was only a few weeks old), trying to get him to sleep and I heard Sammie screaming her head off. At first, I thought she was mad about something David told her not to do or something like that, so I didn't react. She'd been having some trouble adjusting to having a little brother, so her tantrums were pretty bad. Anyway, after about a minute, I realized David wasn't with Sammie, so I put Caleb down and went t o Sammie's room. The door was closed, which wasn't normal, so I opened it only to find blood ALL over the carpet and ALL over Sammie. She was crying and screaming and I just grabbed her and screamed for David. Thank God David didn't lose it like me, because he had the sense to get a towel to wrap her wrist. We called 911, because there was so much blood coming out of her wrist and we knew there was no way she would keep her wrist wrapped if we drove her to the hospital and there was no room for us to sit in the back with her.
Anyway, while waiting for the paramedics, I asked Sammie what happened and with tears in her eyes, she answered, "I just wanted to hear my music." I can't even explain the guilt I felt. All I kept thinking was "I should've been in there....I could've stopped it...She didn't think I had time for her...Why didn't she just ask me?" And on and on and on...just quilt. Now, I know, and I knew then, that this happens all the time; kids get stitches, kids break bones, all that stuff. So, yes, my head gets it, but my heart, to this day still isn't convinced.
Well, after the paramedics cleaned Sammie up and wrapped up her "owwie," I took her to urgent care where she ended up with 5 stitches. It was awful!!! They had to wrap her in a blanket and I had to hold her down while they stitched her up. It took everything I had to hold back the tears and be strong for my sweet girl as she screamed and screamed and screamed.
Once it was all over though, Sammie was her happy self again. To this day, Sammie is not allowed to close her bedroom door and we just barely put another snowglobe in her room. She tells me all the time though how she is not going to pick it up! No need for us to remind her...she knows! :)
So, my flashback is not a fun one this time. But it is definitely a day I will always remember, but some times I wish I could forget. And on the upside, she has a cool scar now. :)
I never heard about "the incident" before! Wow how scary, but thosse are the freakin cutest pics ever of her all bandaged up. You are one of the greatest moms I know, so never think about the "what ifs..".